St. Paul Lutheran Church
& Early Childhood Ministry

Thank you for supporting our ECM!
Come out for a fun day of competitive golf on a championship course.
Register your team of four.
Add the team Super Ticket to participate in additional contests.
Consider becoming a sponsor to advertise your business.
Monday, May 16, 2022
Registration: 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Tee Time: 1:00 PM
11522 E 50 N
Columbus, IN 47203
Register here
Pay for your Team, Super Ticket, and Sponsorships here
Registration $400
Team Captains sign up your foursome
Driving Range Time
Golf Cart
Boxed lunch
Team Super Ticket $100
Longest Drive
Longest Putt
Closest to the Pin
Chance to win $5,000 in a Putting Contest
Chance to win $10,000 on a Hole In One
Sponsorship & Tee Signs
Get visibility at the Golf Scramble, on our Facebook Page, and at various school events. Each level provides unique bonuses.
All tee signs will be valid April 2022 - May 2023
Upon purchase, you will receive an email with instructions on how to upload your logo for a tee sign.
Gold Level $500
4 Tee Signs
Visibility in four different locations at the Golf Scramble
Visibility at the ECM CARnival (April 23rd)
Designation as a Gold Level Sponsor
Sign displayed outside of the school all year long
Silver Level $250
2 Tee Signs
Visibility in two different locations at the Golf Scramble
Visibility at the ECM CARnival (April 23rd)
Designation as a Silver Level Sponsor
Sign displayed at various ECM Events
Sign displayed outside of the school the last two weeks of the academic year
Event Sponsor $100
1 Tee Sign
Visibility at the Golf Scramble
Visibility at the ECM CARnival (April 23rd)
Sign displayed at various ECM Events
Sign displayed outside of the school the last week of the academic year